Brian Andreas

I was attracted to a book that he wrote and illustrated entitled "Trusting Soul." This book is about moments or lessons in life that we experience, but don't really think about. The content is simple enough for a child to read and enjoy, but it is also mature enough for an adult audience to appreciate. The illustrations look like they were drawn by a child. His forms are very imaginative, and they suggest just enough information so that the audience can understand what the image is conveying while still leaving room for the audience to interpret it in their own way. I also like the two different kinds of type that he used. The childish hand drawn type that goes with his illustrations really help to narrate the drawings, and the main type nicely contrasts with the hand drawn type to set the different stories apart. The main type is all hand-stamped one letter at a time!

Pretty, pretty, interesting I think with the illustrations and the hand-drawn information. The set type I find is a good contrast with the hand written one. And the illustrations are pretty abstract at that, which I like quite a bit. Abstraction is what I find that is always up for interpretation and social inquisition. It challenges our conscious state to a subconscious level.
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