
I really enjoy the imaginative style of the artwork in this website. It includes the artwork of various artists who all seem to be designing around the idea of childhood dreams and imagination, and how although they are filled with seemingly harmless and non-agressive images, there is a subtle underlying feeling of something disturbing or bizarre. I'm not sure if you get the same feeling, but it is kind of like the feeling you get when you look at little girls' dolls or when you go on a ride at Disneyland, such as "Peter Pan's Adventure" or "Alice in Wonderland," and you get kind of a creepy feeling. As a child, I never felt that creepy feeling, it was only when I got older that I began to look at these images differently. These artists are creating child-like materials for an adult audience. When you first look at their plush animals, books, short movies, etc, you automatically think that they are for a child audience, but then you look closer and realize that they do not all exactly function as children's toys, or at least not your typical child's toys. For example, one plush animal has unusually long arms, too long to be a cuddly child's stuffed animal, and another plush animal's feet are all attached by velcro so they can all be pulled off then put back on again. These artists are evoking an interesting feeling of "its so cute!!" (first thought), then "something about this seems very strange" (second thought).

I found this book to be very interesting. As you see, the outside cover is a cute little baby, and inside the book are pages of seperate compositions of the babie's dreams. Some dreams are pleasant and serene, and others look like monsters. The all create a similar feeling to the one I described above.
If you visit this website, these are my favorite categories that you can check out: "Uzumaki," "Toys," and "Book Friend"
These animals are thought provoking in how they bring across the idea of cute with a hint of suspicion. On one hand you have a cute plush animal and on the other a character that has been given human characteristics to some degree (ex. mouth, eyes, legs,) which communicate in their own individual ways. Each individual character evokes a emotional response because of the color, shape, and facial features that each one of them have.
The book of baby's dreams is something I have not seen before. I would like to look through it, I thought the page you showed us was very interesting. Using scotch tape to create a monster is pretty inventive.
carley's comment is funny, "it reminds me of some kind of cartoon world thats just a little bit on crack." it's funny, but very true, there is almost like a twilight zone effect that happens, where everything initially seems like it is normal on the surface, but when you dive deeper into the world that has been created, you see the peculiarities and small details that make things just a little uneasy.
like i was telling you today, the images from the first set of images seem like they are setting up a playroom for children with all the stuffed animals, scribble-style drawings on the walls, bright colors, but that is the genius of the design that eases you in then captures you.
i wish that they would provide some character profiles or something to give you a more in-depth analysis of their critters, maybe they're not creepy, merely misunderstood.
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